Nora Nungabar - Pangkapirni Minyipuru (Seven Sisters Dreaming) - 122 x 91 cm - 13-35

Nora Nungabar - Pangkapirni Minyipuru (Seven Sisters Dreaming) - 122 x 91 cm - 13-35
Artiste : Nora Nungabar (1920)
Titre de l'œuvre : Pangkapirni Minyipuru (Seven Sisters Dreaming)
Format : 122 x 91 cm
Provenance et certificat : centre d'art aborigène de Martumili
Référence de cette peinture : 13-35
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Explications pour cette œuvre :
This painting portrays the Minyipuru (Seven Sisters) when they travelled to Pangkapirni, a site close to Kunawarritji community. Minyipuru is an important Jukurrpa (dreamtime) story about seven sisters that are travelling through the desert as they run away from a lustful old man called Yurla. The man chases the wantis (women) all the way from Roebourne on the west coast right through Martu country before flying east.
Along the way they stop at many significant sites to camp, sing, dance and collect bush tucker. There are also many interactions with Yurla when he catches up with them along the way, creating an amazing abundance of stories and meaning with this culturally rich narrative.
The Seven Sisters rested at Pangkapirni during their journey from Pangkaringka. While the sisters slept Yurla caught one of them, and forced her to sleep with him. The women rescued their sister, and together they flew above the man. From the sky the women teased Yurla, telling him to come and get them. Yurla tried to reach the women using a janga (ladder made of wood), but the women just floated higher, and pushed the ladder over when he got too close. He eventually tired and went to sleep, and the women flew away, continuing their journey across the desert.
Pangkapirni was also a very significant site to Nungabar, forming part of her ngurra (home) country, where she lived and travelled throughout the pujiman (bush) days with her family. The area is sandy country with water sources all around in the form of rockholes, soaks, and claypans.
The artist primarily paints her country in the Canning Stock Route area. As a younger woman the artist lived and travelled traditionally with her family during the pujiman (bush) days. They travelled up and down the Stock Route from well 33 to well 38 and as far as Balgo. Well 33 is now known as Kunawarritji Community and is the artist's ngurra (home).
© Photo : Aboriginal Signature Estrangin gallery with the courtesy of the artists and Martumili