Obed Namirrkki - Luma Luma - 117x40cm - 169-20 — Art Aborigène d'Australie - Aboriginal Signature Estrangin gallery

Obed Namirrkki - Luma Luma - 117x40cm - 169-20 (sold)

Obed Namirrkki - Luma Luma - 117x40cm - 169-20 (sold)


Artiste : Obed Namirrkki

Titre de l'œuvre : Luma Luma

Pigments naturels sur écorce d’eucalyptus

Format : 117x40cm

Référence de la peinture : 169-20

Explications sur cette œuvre :

Luma Luma is an ancestral giant who came to Western Arnhem Land from ‘over the seas’ during the creation era, saw them and followed them. Luma luma is the creator of the Mardayin ceremony. He travelled through Kunwinjku country carrying sacred objects; three dilly bags, two yams and a lorrkon (hollow log coffin). As he journeyed he stole women and devoured them. Angered by Lumaluma’s actions, the people decided to kill him, so they lured him into an ambush and speared him. He pleaded to be spared until he had disclosed full knowledge of the Mardayin ceremony, body designs, dances and sacred songs. He then sped across land and water to a bush shelter where he stayed with two women. Men of both the Yirridjdja and Duwa moieties pursued him in boats. He was killed while he was sleeping on an island called Kurriba, near Goulburn Island. The people inherited the Mardayin cermony and Luma Luma transformed himself into a whale, where he can still be seen in the ocean swimming to this day.

© Photo & text : Aboriginal signature with the courtesy of the artist & Maningrida Arts

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