Rene Sundown - Ngura Tali - Sand dune Country - 152 x 122 cm - 644-23 (option)
Rene Sundown - Ngura Tali - Sand dune Country - 152 x 122 cm - 644-23 (option)
Artistes : Rene Sundown (1952)
Titre de l'œuvre : Ngura Tali - Sand dune Country
Format : 152 x 122 cm
Provenance et certificat : centre d'art aborigène d’Iwantja
Référence de cette peinture aborigène : 644-23
Explications pour cette peinture d'art Aborigène :
Rene was born in the bush land that surrounds Mt Ebenezer. Rene and her two older brothers were raised in the bush by her mother while her father worked as a stockman between Mt Ebenezer Station and Erldunda Station, which are both located along the Lasseter Hwy towards Uluru.
“I was raised at Erldunda Station, where my father was working. That’s where we lived. No school at all, I just grew up on the stations.
That place is all sand dune country. We would play in the sand dunes. We would just run around and roll down the sand dunes, down we would tumble, down the sand dune and roll down arriving at the bottom. it was really nice back then, playing. we would swim in the claypans after rain time and we would eat lots of bush onions.
These are the paintings I have been doing. This is my thinking and painting (sand dune) memories. Memories of what I saw, sand dunes that we played on. When I’m painting my feelings became strong. and all my memories come back. I’m thinking of those sand dunes and then painting them. This is the sand dunes and spinifex grass. Sand dune country was our home.”
Rene began painting at Iwantja Arts in the year 2000, painting memories of the long walks she would take along the sandhills and the salty river water near Erldunda Station that she played in as a child. Her paintings use a simple colour palette and gain complexity through her confident brush marks and intriguing iconography. Rene’s paintings evoke images of desert grasses, hidden pathways and sun-cracked riverbeds.