Churchill Cann - Joorlany Ngarrangarni (Dog Dreaming) - 120 x 90 cm - 227/12 (sold)


Churchill Cann - Joorlany Ngarrangarni (Dog Dreaming) - 120 x 90 cm - 227/12 (sold)


Titre de l'œuvre : Joorlany Ngarrangarni (Dog Dreaming)

Artiste : Churchill Cann (1944-2016)

Format : 120 x 90 cm

Provenance et certificat : centre d'art aborigène de Warmun

Référence de cette peinture d'art indigène d’Australie : 227/12

© Photo : Aboriginal Signature Estrangin gallery with the courtesy of the artist and Warmun Arts.

Explanations related to this Aboriginal painting :

This is that Joorlany Ngarrangarni. I don’t know if he was a man or not, but he was a dog for sure. He ‘bin travelling to Red Butte on top of Horse Creek, over Texas, across this whole lot of country. But that snake was chasing him and the night bird was killing people.

He came here, very close to Warmun and realized he had come too far. He had to head back again but he was frightened for that snake.

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