Mick Rictor - Untitled - 110 x 85 cm - 19-14 (sold)

Mick Rictor - Untitled - 110 x 85 cm - 19-14
Mick Rictor - Untitled - 110 x 85 cm - 19-14

Mick Rictor - Untitled - 110 x 85 cm - 19-14 (sold)


Artiste : Mick Rictor

Titre de l'œuvre : Untitled

Format : 110 x 85 cm

Provenance et certificat : centre d'art aborigène du Spinifex Art Project

Référence de cette peinture : 19-14


Explications pour cette œuvre :

Mick Rictor (1957) was around thirty years of age when he walked into modern civilisation for the first time from deep in the heart of the Great Victoria Desert in1986. A very remote and special place holding true wilderness character, like Mick himself. Other Anangu (Aboriginal people) refer to Mick as a wild man, ferocious like the old men used to be before people were softened by modern living.

Mick Rictor gives us freedom to contemplate. His compositions are both painterly and sparse leaving form and space intertwined and suspended. He is not quick to paint and peruses the blank canvas with hand on chin like Rodin's 'The Thinker' for a long period before selecting colour and brush to begin. But still it is a slow rhythmic placement of individual 'dots' that build up sometimes as a single colour, sometimes as multiple colours, one blanketing the other. His works reference the landscapes and changing colours of the Spinifex Country, the sweeping plains nestled in between parallel lines of sand dunes, the red rocky granite outcrops on the northern boundary, the sacred water holes and their ‘wanampi’ serpent guardians and 'mamu tjina' or scorer footprints from the Tjukurpa.

Mick was born at Kulpinya situated south of the significant site of Miramiratjara in the Great Victoria Desert sometime around 1956. This puts him in close proximity to the British Atomic Testing at Emu Fields and Maralinga during the '50s and '60s. Mick and his immediate family were living a nomadic life in and around traditional Spinifex Country up until 1986 when the family was located by relatives searching the area and taken to a then small settlement of Yakadunya and later Coonana. Mick is the eldest sibling of four with his other three siblings Ian and Noli Rictor and Tjaruwa Woods already established artists.

He started painting in 2016 and has a natural aesthetic with a painterly quality about his work. His works feature references to the Spinifex Country, the vast plains and sand hills, country holding secret water holes and 'Mamu Tjina' or scorer footprints. Mick lives a solitary life with a large contingent of dogs that he keeps as company.

His artworks are in the following prestigious collections :

Museum And Art Gallery Of The Northern Territory, Darwin, Australia.
Art Gallery Of South Australia, Adelaide, South Australia
Artbank, Australian Government Collection. Australia.
Araluen Gallery, Alice Springs, Northern Territory.
Charles Darwin University Art Collection, Darwin,Northern Territory
Richard And Harriett Collection, Australia
Arthur Roe Collection, Australia
The Sims Dickson Collection, Nsw

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