Alma Webou - Sans titre - 76 x 66 cm - 841043 (sold) — Art Aborigène d'Australie - Aboriginal Signature Estrangin gallery

Alma Webou - Sans titre - 76 x 66 cm - 841043 (sold)

Alma Webou - Sans titre - 76 x 66 cm - 841043 (sold)


Artiste : Alma Webou

Titre de l'œuvre : Sans titre

Format : 76 x 66 cm

Provenance et certificat : Short Street opérant pour les artistes Yulparija de Bidyadanga

Référence de cette peinture aborigène : 841043


Explications sur cette peinture d’art Aborigène :

Alma Webou (c.1928 - 2009) is a Yulparija elder who grew up in Pinkalakara in the Great Sandy Desert. She led a traditional existence until the early 1970s when severe drought forced the Yulparija people to move to Bidyadanga on the coast. Alma said, "Pinkalakara is the place I was born and grew up; this is my mother's country. (It is near Joanna Spring on Anna Plains station close to the Canning Stock Route.) This country has lots of mayi (bush food). I lost my mummy and sister here." Alma cried when she painted Pinkalarta. Many of her family died as a result of the droughts in this country. Alma was a senior law woman and was well respected in her community.

Collections : Newcastle Art Gallery. National Gallery of Australia. National Gallery of Victoria. Felton Collection. Museum and Art Gallery of Northern Territory. Broken Hill Regional Art Gallery. Laverty Collection. Myer Collection. Sam Barry Collection. Harvey Wagner Collection, USA. NSW State Gallery. Brocard - Estrangin Collection. The Hood Museum, Dartmouth, USA…

© Photo : Aboriginal Signature Estrangin gallery with the courtesy of Short Street and the artist

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